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Register for the November Training Course!
Overview of Gas Processing
Join us at 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, November 8th at Targa Resources, 811 Louisiana St., Houston.
- Non-Member Cost: $165
Breakfast will be provided. The cost also includes a ticket for the luncheon immediately following training.
About the Course
SPEAKER: Ralph Neumann
The session is a high-level overview of the elements that comprise the modern gas processing industry. Topics covered are:
- Natural Gas Basics
- Processing Economics Overview
- Gas Dehydration and Treating
- Separations, Refrigeration, and Dew Point Control
- Condensate Stabilization
- Cryogenic Expander Plants
- Fractionation
- Key Equipment Survey
This half-day session provides an overview of the gas processing industry and is an excellent course for those new to our industry or those that are proficient in a particular area but are lacking in the overall scope of the industry or those who want a great refresher course.
This overview also serves as an introduction to subsequent sessions that take up these same topics in extended sessions that include more detail.
A big thank you to Targa Resources for hosting us!
About Ralph Neumann
Ralph spent the early part of his career working for several firms in the engineering construction business, both internationally and domestically. He began as a process engineer specializing in natural gas processing and progressed to engineering management and project engineering roles. The next part of his career was spent working for natural gas processing operating companies where he managed both engineering and operations groups. Most recently, Ralph has held engineering roles with several private equity-backed startup companies. He served as an instructor for John M. Campbell/PetroSkills, and he now consults in a practice that provides training, project management, and engineering services to the midstream industry.
Thank you to our breakfast sponsor!

Non-member Registration

Are You a Houston Midstream GPA Member? You Receive a 10% Discount on Training
A member access code will be required to register for member-only events and special member pricing. Upon completing your individual registration signup or renewal, this code was emailed to you.
Need help? Email Us.
Are You a Corporate Member? You Receive a 15% to 25% Discount on Training
Know Before You Go
HGPA is looking forward to having you join us for training. A few logistical items on the day of:
- Training will take place at Targa Resources offices located at 811 Louisiana on the 17th floor.
- For parking there are a couple of options (note that everyone is on their own for parking, we will not be validating parking)
- Parking Garage – There are 2 entrances to the parking garage – one is located on Louisiana St. (right past Walker St.) and the other is located on Milam St. (right past Rusk St.). At each entrance you will be required to pull a ticket. The cost is $35/day. From the parking area, please take the elevators to the Lobby level. From the lobby, take the elevators to the 17th floor (elevator bank marked floors 10 – 26). Your training is scheduled with Craig Warren and the HPGA Technical Training on the 17th Floor.
- Surface Lot – There is a surface lot located across Walker street that is also $35/day. Walk across Walker St to the building and from the lobby, take the elevators to the 17th floor (elevator bank marked floors 10 – 26). Your training is scheduled with Craig Warren and the HPGA Technical Training on the 17th Floor.
- A light breakfast will be served, so please try to be there by at least 7:45 am.
- Training will end promptly at 11 am so that everyone can attend the HGPA Monthly Luncheon located across the street at the normal location in The Houston Club.
- Training will take place at Targa Resources office across the street at the normal location in The Houston Club.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Corporate Members: Access Your Membership Portal Special Pricing
Become a Member of HGPA Today
Benefits of membership ($150) include:
- Company recognition on website
- Discounted training (10%)
- Access to member-only events
Annual membership in Houston Midstream GPA runs from January 1 to December 31. Memberships are on an individual basis. Corporate membership packages include a set number of individuals memberships and other perks.