HGPA Midstream supports the educational endeavors of our future members and industry employees in order to promote regional growth within our industry. We work closely with the engineering departments at our target schools to seek out junior and senior-level engineering and technical students interested in midstream careers upon graduation from college. The Board awards scholarships to candidates based on the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee and scoring criteria. Engineering and Technical School students interested in Midstream careers. Since 2001, the Houston GPA has provided about $580,000 in scholarship money by either direct scholarships ($305,000) or endowment funding ($275,000).

HGPA Midstream currently supports six universities with individual and endowed scholarships awarded annually. The universities currently supported by the Houston GPA Scholarship Program include:

The endowment program was originally established by granting $25,000 endowed scholarships at each university. As of this year, the endowments have a principal amount in excess of $100,000 (???) each. Each of the respective university endowments are handled based upon their regulations and the endowment agreements between the chapter and their specific university. As a result, the proceeds from the endowed scholarships are not uniform across the board, but generally, the endowed scholarship proceeds total approximately 4 – 5% of the endowed principal. In the 25+ years (???) of providing annual scholarships and the recent addition of endowed scholarships, HGPA’s cumulative $XX00,000+ in scholarship awards has assisted over 250 students in their academic efforts.

Companies or Individuals can support our scholarship program efforts by registering as an individual or sponsor for an upcoming fundraising event and/or becoming a Scholarship Sponsor or Co-Sponsor TODAY! Co-Sponsorship allows your company to split the funding with the HGPA Midstream Board for one future midstream professional’s annual scholarship. To take part in this annual drive to continue academic support for our industry just select the level of desired Sponsorship and submit payment online securely and easily!
We need help to accomplish our goal and participation in local HGPA Midstream events and/or sponsorships/donations are essential to our success, so we thank you for your support!